NOTICE: As Canada Post is operating again, renewal notices have now been mailed. Please note that delivery delays may still occur. See notice for more information.
Renew a licence
Why does your business need a business licence?
- to promote safe and legitimate business premises and operations in the City of Pitt Meadows;
- to provide initial advice for new businesses;
- to process business licence applications with regards to local and any other regulatory requirements that may be applicable; and
- to maintain an up to date database on existing business in the community.
Applying for a Business Licence
The City's Business Licensing & Regulation Bylaw No. 2643 authorizes the Municipal Licence Inspector to receive applications and issue all business licences. The Inspector receives advice from other municipal staff from various department factions upon review of an application. These departments include Planning, Engineering, Building, Fire, Police, and Health.
The steps for obtaining a business licence are as follows:
- Visit the Development Services Department at the Municipal Hall for initial consultation.
- Fill out an Application Form and provide any supporting documentation, such as a one page description of the proposed business.
- Business licensing will refer the application to staff in Planning, Police, Fire, Building, Engineering or Health where applicable, for review.
- If the premises require alteration or improvements to meet Building Code requirements for the type of occupancy proposed, a building and/or other permit will be required prior to approval of the business licence. Once a permit is obtained, the construction may proceed subject to inspection at various stages and approval to proceed being granted.
- If approval is received from applicable departments, the business licence will be issued and payment of the required fee will be required.
For sub-contractors working in Pitt Meadows, download and submit the Contractor/Sub Trade Business Licence Application Form.
Generally the business licence process takes less than one week from initial application to issuance of a business licence. If tenant improvements or other interior changes to a building are necessary, this process will take more time. For licensing requiring provincial endorsement (e.g. Motor Vehicle Dealer Act, Community Care Facilities Licensing Act or the Liquor Control Act), special provisions apply.
Business Licence renewal payments can be made in person at City Hall or online at
Business Licence Application Form
Contractor/Sub Trade Business Licence Application Form
Business License Fees
Business license fees vary based on the type of business. Please review the fee schedule found in Bylaw No.2643, 2014 (Schedule A) for details. Business license fees are pro-rated after July 1 of each year. An application fee of $25 must be paid prior to the application being reviewed. For out of town businesses with the trade designation of "contractor", please note that the full $80 license fee is required prior to the application being processed.
Schedule A, Business License Fees
All business licenses expire on December 31st of each year. Notifications of business license renewals are mailed out in December. An administrative fee in the amount of 25% of the applicable license fees, to a maximum of $50.00, shall be applied to the renewal of all business licenses paid on or after March 1 of the year.
Intermunicipal Business Licenses
In 2013, Intermunicipal Business Licenses were introduced in the Fraser Valley. For an additional $250, eligible mobile businesses can be licensed to work in all 9 participating municipalities. For more information and to see if you're eligible, visit Intermunicipal Business Licenses.
Helpful Hints
The following tips may assist you with your business license application:
- Before signing a lease or purchase agreement, check with the Development Services Department at City Hall to make sure that you can occupy the premises for the type of business for which you are applying.
- Before you purchase a sign for your business, review the requirements of the Sign Bylaw No. 2719 with Development Services.
- Each space in a building has its own specific approved use in accordance with the Building Code and Municipal Parking Requirement. Sometimes the use of that space cannot be changed without approval and/or permit.