Hosting a special event in the City of Pitt Meadows

Submitting an application provides the City with a summary of your event - whether it's a marathon, bike race,  fundraiser or any type of event that you'd like to hold on City property - we can help with the safety and success of it.

Prior to an event permit being approved, Staff will review your application in detail to ensure it meets all the requirements and follows City Policies and Bylaws. Staff will check on the availability of facility or park bookings and help guide you with any other requirements that may be needed.


  • Special event application
  • Insurance 

Depending on the type of event or requested location you may need to submit further information such as:

  • Facility booking request - if you're planning to use a City of Pitt Meadows facility or park space
  • Provincial Government Special Event Permit to sell Liquor at a temporary event
  • Fraser Health Temporary Food Premise Permit to sell food during your event.
  • To book a food truck for your event please visit the webpage to ensure that your chosen location allows for food trucks, and that any truck you book has all of their required licensing and certification (business license, Fraser Health, GVFA decal etc.).
  • Metro Van approval - if your event will be on the Pitt River Regional Greenway (see map below)
  • Highway / Street use permit (for all events taking place on roads, sidewalks or dikes)

Event organizers are encouraged to submit their applications at least two (2) months prior to event date. 

It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any and all permits, licenses and certificates that are required for the event and to provide copies of this documentation to the City of Pitt Meadows prior to the event.  The Special Event Coordinator will give you more details on any of these requirements once your application has been received.

For any questions please email

Pitt River Regional Greenway map

Please Note: All fields must be completed before this form can be submitted.

Please Note: All fields must be completed before this form can be submitted.

Contact Information

Event Type & Description

New or Returning Event
Please tell us about your event.
Will you charge admission or a participation fee?
Is the event open to the public?
Are you a registered non-profit society?
Your organizing committee is

Event Location, Dates & Times

Event Duration

Attendance Info

Please check all onsite activities

Heath, Safety & Permits

Event Insurance

A minimum of $5 million Liability Insurance naming the City of Pitt Meadows and School District 42 is required for all events. Depending on your event activities and set up you may also be required to have your suppliers provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of $5 million naming the City of Pitt Meadows as an additional insured.

Will you use an electrical panel, or, require additional power at your event?
Depending on your power needs you may need to work with a registered electrician and may require an electrical permit from the BC Safety Authority
Will liquor be served at the event?
If yes, you will be asked to submit security, site and fencing plans, obtain written permission from the City of Pitt Meadows and, approval from the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.
Will food be served at the event?
If yes, a permit may be required by the Fraser Health Authority.
Will propane or butane be used at the event?
Will you have gaming (raffle) at the event?
If yes, a permit is required by the BC Gaming Authority.
Event organizers are encouraged to provide adequate restrooms for event guests and not rely solely on the facilities of neighbouring venues. Please describe how you will plan for washroom use at the event.
Will you have any temporary large structures at the event that are over 1000 sq. ft. (i.e. tents, stages, etc.)?
You may be required to obtain a temporary building permit which will include engineering drawings for any structures over 1000 sq. ft.
Will your event require a road closure? For example, parades, street parties, runs and rides.
If yes, road closure permits will be required.
Please describe your proposed traffic and parking plan.
How will you provide emergency response and first aid at the event?
Will an external security company be used for your event?

Waste Management

Event organizers are responsible for litter pick up, sorting of recyclables and removal of all waste created. Please provide details of your plan.

Your personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy of Protection Act (FOIPPA). This information will be used for City of Pitt Meadows special event notification purposes and will not be disclosed to the public except as may be requested by law. Questions about the collection of use of this information may be directed to the Corporate Administration department, City of Pitt Meadows, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5. Phone 604.465.5454.


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