Budget Deliberations
Council concluded budget deliberations on January 10, 2018.  For more information, please see the media release here.

Highlights from the 2018 Financial Plan Workshop
On October 24, 2017, the City's Director of Finance provided a presentation to Council and residents on the 2018 Financial Plan.

Operating Budget Key Points

  1.  Taxes are favourable compared to other municipalities in the region.
  2.  City departments have undertaken a zero based budget approach and incorporated reductions to achieve the 2018 results.
  3.  Asset management plans and condition assessments are key to establishing adequate reserve funding levels.
  4.  Snow and ice surface maintenance levels need to be monitored in 2018 to better assess cost impacts & service levels.
  5.  Need to plan for declining development processing revenues.
  6.  Taxation revenue from new development (growth) is substantially lower in 2018 creating increased pressure to taxation.
  7.  A 3.38% tax increase is needed to maintain current service levels.
  8.  The total proposed tax increase of 3.38% equates to about $66 for the average single family home.

Capital Budget Key Points

  1. The Building Replacement Asset levy is important to continue
  2. Complete asset condition assessments
  3. Building reserves:
    • Reduces long-term costs,
    • Allows for proper asset management and
    • Ensure sustainable City services.
  4. Leverage land whenever possible and avoid selling

For more information, contact the City's Finance Department at 604.465.2418.

2018 Proposed Business Plans & Budget
Each fall the City prepares business plans and budgets for the following year.  Meetings are open to the public and will be conducted in Council in Committee format with a question and comment period provided at the end of meeting.  See the full Corporate Business Plan, including each department's business plans.  Public presentation on these plans were held at City Hall on Monday, December 11 and Wednesday, December 13.  See below for individual department plans.

Business Plans by Department

For more information, contact the City's Finance Department at 604.465.2418.

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