2023-2027 Financial Plan
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To learn more about the purpose and development of the Financial Plan see: Budget & Business Planning.
2023 Budget
Budget Deliberations were successfully concluded on December 13, 2022. Council reviewed and deliberated on department operating and capital budgets and decision packages. A December 15 media release announced that Council concluded budget deliberations with approving a budget of $50 million with a combined property tax and utilities increase of 7.61% for the average single-family, equaling $283 per year ($23.58 per month), and 7.78% for multi-family ($178 per year or $14.83 per month).
The $283 increase is broken down as follows:
- Non-discretionary charges related to Metro Vancouver water and sewage treatment, RCMP policing costs, as well as supply chain and high inflationary pressures; all of which account for $133 or a 3.58% of the total increase.
- Asset Savings account for $48 or 1.3%, providing $13 million towards future replacement of aging infrastructure and ensuring long-term sustainability.
- Investing in the Fire & Rescue Services with the addition of nine Fire Positions for $95 or 2.55%.
- Providing a Place of Remembrance, an additional Labourer II and other initiatives & maintenance adjustments for $12 or 0.33%.
This leaves $28 or 0.74% for all other City departments to maintain existing service levels.
For more information, contact the City's Finance Department at 604.465.2418 or email info@pittmeadows.ca.
2023 Proposed Budget & Business Plans
Each fall, the City creates business plans for each of its departments and presents them to City Council and the public. These business plans are made with careful consideration of the City’s finances, staff expertise, Council direction, and taking into account feedback from residents heard throughout the year. The plans represent recommendations for key initiatives, budgets, and the Five-Year Financial Plan. This process is designed to provide transparency and accountability to allow the community to better understand City priorities and how taxpayer dollars are spent.