When filing a complaint, please be prepared to provide as much detail as possible about the complaint, including:

  • complainants full name, address, phone number, and email address
  • address or location of the property and/or area of concern
  • date and time when the violation was first observed
  • detailed description of the violation
  • if applicable, a description of the motor vehicle and licence plate identification

The City does not accept anonymous complaints. Bylaw Services keeps the identity of every complainant confidential unless the complainant has agreed to be identified. When submitting a request for service, we ask that you have the exact address where the alleged violation has occurred. Officers are unable to attend to complaints based on description of a house or area.

The City’s Bylaw Officers will investigate your complaint as soon as possible. In most instances, Bylaw Officers are successful in obtaining voluntary compliance with City bylaws. However, there are some cases that require additional enforcement. While you may not always feel that your concerns are being addressed quickly enough, please note that when an individual does not voluntarily comply, there are formal legal requirements that must be followed and, unfortunately, they can take time. The City appreciates your patience in bylaw enforcement matters.

1. Complainant


2. Complaint

Property address where alleged violation is taking place

3. Submission

Sign above

Other Ways to Report a Complaint

Regular business hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays).  If you are reporting your complaint after hours, please leave a detailed voice mail and a Bylaw Officer will contact you.

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