Committee Orientation & Training Resources
Welcome to your role as a committee member with the City of Pitt Meadows! We are grateful for your willingness to volunteer your time and to provide guidance and advice to Council on key priorities.
This webpage has been designed to provide you with the basic information required to fulfill your duties as a member of a City committee. You’ll find information regarding the City’s committee model, roles and responsibilities of committee members, how committee meetings work, how to vote on motions, links to relevant bylaws and policies, and other important information that will guide you in your new role.
Detailed below you will find a number resources that will assist you in your new role.
Staff Contact:
Kate Barchard, Corporate Officer, 604.465.2472
Tatiana McCaw, Administrative Services Supervisor, 604.460.6711
Committee Training Manual
City Committee Council Policy C102
Community Service Awards & Civic Recognition Policy C073