2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan 

The Strategic Plan serves as a guiding framework for policies, budgets and decision-making over the next four years.

The Strategic Plan establishes the City’s vision, mission, and six strategic areas of focus: Principled Governance; Balanced Economic Prosperity; Community Spirit and Wellbeing; Infrastructure; Corporate Pride; and Public Safety.

Departmental business plans and budgets will be developed that align to ensure programs and services aim to achieve the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan.


City of Pitt Meadows 2023-2026 Strategic Plan 

Our Vision,  Mission, Strength and Values


Pitt Meadows Proud.


To maintain a friendly, safe and healthy community that values people, honours heritage, where all citizens are welcomed and growth is balanced with the protection of our natural place and quality of life.

Community Strengths

  • Small town feel and sense of community
  • Accessible, compact urban core
  • Desirable recreational facilities and natural amenities
  • A calm, safe and clean community
  • Abundant farmland, natural beauty and impressive greenspace
  • Engaged and connected citizens, passionate about their community and caring toward their neighbours
  • A proud, multi-generational, diverse and inclusive community

Governance Values

  • Trust
  • Respectful and accountable leadership
  • Openness and accessibility
  • Community pride and spirit
  • Excellence in service
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Courage

Corporate Strategic Priorities

  1.  Principled Governance
  2. Balanced Economic Prosperity
  3. Community Spirit and Wellbeing
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Corporate Pride
  6. Public Safety

2025 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Reports

The Quarterly Report lists current operational strategies and their alignment with Council's strategic priorities.

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