Council expense reports are provided here in an effort to be accountable to the public regarding Council spending.
Mayor and Council are the stewards of City resources and are ultimately accountable to the public for the type and level of expenses they incur. Since members of Council use public funds when they perform their duties, the public expects public funds to be used solely for the fulfillment of their public duties. Expenses incurred by members of Council should be reasonable and reflect what the public expects of an elected official, and the public has a right to know how public funds allocated to members of Council are spent.
Council Expenses are guided by Council Expenses Policy C068. Certain reported expenses are separate from those incurred under the Council Expenses Policy, these include use of cell phones and tablets as well as community relations and FVRL board expenses. These expenses are included in this report in order to align the expenses reported here with those reported on the annual Statement of Financial Information.
Mayor and Council Expenses - September 2024
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2023
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2022
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2021
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2020
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2019
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2018
Mayor and Council Expenses - 2017