The next public Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

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Pitt Meadows City Council meets two to four times per month, typically on Tuesday evenings. Council agendas, minutes and videos can be viewed by scrolling down and looking at the list of meetings below.   Public hearings are typically held during a regular Council meeting. More information about public hearings can be found here.

Agendas for public meetings are made available after 4:00 p.m. the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. Printed copies can also be found in the foyer at City Hall.  Council minutes will be available on the City website two weeks following the meeting, subject to adoption by City Council.

Helpful Tips

Council meetings can be viewed in calendar mode or list mode by clicking on the corresponding buttons:

How to view in calendar mode or list mode

Under 'Past Meetings', you can narrow your search by choosing the year: 

How number of meetings in a year is displayed

(e.g. this shows me that there are 43 meetings from 2021 available for viewing)

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