Pitt Meadows Emergency Support Services (ESS) provides short-term assistance (up to 72 hours) to residents who are forced to leave their home because of fire, flood, earthquake and other emergencies. Services can include short-term lodging, family reunification, food, clothing and emotional support. In a crisis, ESS volunteers look after the people, while first responders handle the emergency.
Upcoming ESS Volunteer Information Session

Learn more about ESS Volunteer opporunites on Wednesday May 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8pm at the Pitt Meadows Fire Hall
Available ESS Services
The goal of ESS is to help evacuees meet their basic needs and liaise with first responders on their behalf during an emergency event. Services are normally supplied at a Reception Centre, but this is dependent on the number of families affected. Services are scaled and can include any of the following:
- Short-term lodging
- Family reunification
- Food and water
- Clothing
- Child minding
- Transportation
- Pet care
- Emotional support
- First Aid
How to access ESS Support
Residents generally do not access ESS directly; they are normally referred by Pitt Meadows Fire & Rescue Service. If a situation has occurred without us knowing, residents may also access ESS by calling the City Public Works after-hours emergency line: 604.465.2465.
In the event of an emergency affecting a large number of Pitt Meadows residents, Reception Centres will be set up in in one of the various sites allocated within the community to assist those affected with meeting basic needs and access to important information. Learn more about Reception Centres and Group Lodging below.
Volunteer for ESS
The ESS program relies on a group of dedicated community volunteers to provide support to those affected by a house fire or as devastating as a flood. They ensure displaced residents are taken care of and can meet their basic needs and guide them through the steps of recovery
The benefits of being a volunteer include free specialized training, Worker’s Compensation and liability insurance coverage, and camaraderie amongst this incredible group of fellow volunteers.
Learn more below and how to apply to become a volunteer.
Upcoming ESS Volunteer Information Session
Date: Wednesday May 8, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Pitt Meadows Fire Hall, 19240 122A Avenue
COST: Free
Register here