Be Prepared: Free Emergency Preparedness Workshops 
We’re offering a series of free in-person Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP) workshops. These workshops will equip citizens with the necessary information so that they can plan ahead and take care of themselves and their neighbours during a catastrophic event.
Upcoming Workshops
Get Prepared! Disaster Preparedness Workshop: Helping you and your family go from panicked to prepared!
Date: Thursday May 9, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Pitt Meadows Fire Hall, 19240 122A Avenue
COST: Free
Living in fear of the next earthquake or disaster can be overwhelming. Take control of your safety and well-being by learning essential disaster preparedness steps. Join us for a unique, in-person Disaster Preparedness Workshop that will empower you and your family to face any challenge that comes your way. You will learn what makes a great Disaster Plan, how to connect with your family when phone lines are down, essential supplies to have in your family and work disaster kits, how to make your home safe and how to prepare for your pets for disaster.
What is NEPP
Neighbours helping Neighbours is the foundation behind recovering in a major disaster. In Pitt Meadows we will potentially be isolated from other resources, so it is imperative that we all do our part in being emergency prepared.
The Neighbourhood Preparedness Program assists in identifying skills and resources that will be useful in a major event such as an earthquake. The goal is to prepare neigbourhoods to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours post disaster by teaching them how to respond safely and effectively in an organized fashion.
A neighbourhood can be a group of homes, an apartment or townhouse complex, a school or, a business, or any other place where individuals regularly gather.
How it works
Personal Preparedness is the first step of NEPP. Presentations are offered at no charge to any neighbourhood, school, or interested group in Pitt Meadows. To arrange a presentation call 604.460.6713.
The second step is having a champion in the neighbourhood willing to take on the position of coordinator. Then steps are taken to focus on setting up the neighbourhood team, including the following response units:
- Shelter and Care Giving
- Communications and Transportation
- Light Urban Search and Rescue
- Utilities and Fire Suppression
- Disaster First Aid
- Damage Assessment
The City may provide workbooks, or you can request the Neighbourhood Preparedness Program Tool Kit to help in developing your neighbourhood plan.
The third step involves practicing your roles in a table-top exercise arranged alongside with the Emergency Program Coordinator. After that, it is up to you to maintain your prepared neighbourhood.
Facilitated trainings are FREE. Groups are responsible for their own supply costs if they wish to augment their neighbourhood’s resources. Advanced training is available for a nominal cost.
Pitt Meadows offers FREE emergency preparedness (EP) courses to help residents prepare to survive on their own for at least 72 hours after a major disaster, such as a power outage, severe storm, flood or earthquake.
Personal preparedness is a key component of the City’s EP program. The more residents can take care of themselves after a major emergency, the more the City’s resources can be directed to restoring services
There are two topic areas discussed within a 4-hour single Saturday session. These sessions are provided twice a year. Please see below for further details.
Participants must be at least 16 years old. Topics included are:
- Leadership
- Personal Preparedness – Learn how to help yourself, your family, your co-workers and your neighbours in those first 72 hours and beyond.
- Rapid Damage Assessment – Identify unsafe conditions in a single-family dwelling to help determine if your home is safe to occupy after an earthquake. Information is provided as general building/safety information; it does not certify you to be qualified to perform post-earthquake damage assessment.
- Utilities and Basic Fire Suppression – Learn basic fire chemistry and classes of fire, how to use a fire extinguisher, and basic steps for fire response and intervention in the event of water, gas and electrical problems. Includes hands-on extinguisher training.
- Light Urban Search and Rescue – If someone is trapped in a home during a disaster, do you know how to identify if and how you can help? Learn what to do. Includes a hands-on component.
- Shelter and Care Giving
- Disaster First Aid