About Our Wastewater System

Pitt Meadows' sanitary sewer system provides collection and conveyance of domestic and industrial sewage / wastewater to the Metro Vancouver sewer trunk mains.  All of the sewage and wastewater from Pitt Meadows is treated at the Annacis Island Sewage Treatment Plant. Located in Delta at 1299 Derwent Way, the plant provides secondary treatment to wastewater for over 1 million residents in 14 municipalities. Once treated, wastewater is discharged into the Fraser River.

Sewage Service Charges

Sewage costs are charged to most users based on a flat fee. This fee is charged annually based on the property tax notice due the first business day following July 1 of each year. Properties considered as Industrial uses (including ice arenas and golf courses) are charged based on metered water usage. These properties are billed each January for the prior year.

Charges provided by the City for sewer-related services of any kind that remain unpaid on December 31 are deemed to be property taxes in arrears. These charges are in respect of the property to which the service was provided and are recoverable under the provisions of the Local Government Act. They may include tax sale of the related property.

The Metro Vancouver charge makes up about 65% of the City's sewage budget (including reserve contributions). Because other sewage costs are relatively stable from year to year, the City's sewer rates are driven to a large extent by the sewer fees charged by Metro Vancouver. For more information, review our Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Bylaw No. 2890, 2021.

Sewer Main Flushing

Every year, as part of our ongoing program to provide high-quality water, the City of Pitt Meadows Public Works Department flushes water mains beginning mid-February to May (weather-dependent).  

During this time, you may notice a temporary drop in water pressure or a discolouration. To correct problems with milky water, open the cold tap slightly to bleed air from the water lines. If you experience problems with dirty water, turn on an outside tap and let it run until the water clears. There should be no interruption of regular service.  

New Connections

Visit pittmeadows.ca/waterworksbylaw for information on applying for a new connection or disconnection.

Review the Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Bylaw No. 2890, 2021 to learn about:

  • fees and charges;
  • process;
  • regulations and guidelines;
  • permits;
  • how to apply for a disconnect; or
  • how to apply for a new service. 

Locating an Existing Connection

Locating an existing connection is a free service provided during regular business hours.  If emergency after hours service is required, the resident is charged the cost of the callout. To locate an existing connection, please contact the Operations Department at 604.465.2434.

Storm Drainage

At times of significant rain fall, debris and falling leaves can lead to clogged catch basins (i.e. storm drains). We ask our residents to help prevent flooding by regularly clearing leaves and debris from your catch basin grates. Our city's 1400 catch basins are connected to 48.9km of drainage pipes that discharge to environmentally sensitive fish-bearing streams. Please report drainage related issues at pittmeadows.ca/reportaproblem or by calling our Public Works department at 604.465.2434.

Culverts & Ditches

The City of Pitt Meadows has 176.7km of ditches with 736 culverts to facilitate the flow of water. The process of keeping these ditches free of debris and garbage is routinely monitored by our Public Works crew. By maintaining the flow of water in these ditches, we are providing drainage and a primary irrigation source for Pitt Meadows' agricultural land. 

If you see an issue with one of the City's ditches or culverts, please call 604.465.2434 during regular business hours. For inquiries regarding installation of a culvert, please contact the Engineering Department at 604.465.2428. 

Working Around Water

The City of Pitt Meadows’ Drainage System Protection Bylaw No. 2266, 2007 regulates drainage in our community. Permits are required prior to commencement of construction or discharge, in accordance with Schedule “C”, for any of the following activities:

a) constructing in or over a watercourse;
b) installing a culvert on key ditches or watercourses;
c) enclosing or filling a key ditch or watercourse;
d) constructing within seven (7) metres of the toe of a dike;
e) constructing within six (6) metres of a top of bank adjacent to a key ditch or watercourse;
f) constructing an agricultural irrigation system  

Contact Development Services at 604.465.2428, to obtain a Drainage Permit.  

In addition to a City Drainage Permit, any “changes in and about a stream” (e.g., ditch infills, culvert works, invasive species removal, etc.) may require Provincial agency authorizations and/or notifications under the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) Streams may include a ditch, slough, wetland and/or creek.  A Qualified Professional would determine whether any watercourses or bodies of water on your property are considered a stream under the WSA.  The type of work typically requiring authorization and/or notifications for “changes in and about a stream” may include:

  • any modification to the land, vegetation and natural environment of a stream or the flow of water in a stream (e.g., invasive species removal, riparian planting, etc.), or
  • Any activity or construction within a stream channel that has or may have an impact on a stream or a stream channel (e.g., infilling watercourse, culvert works).

When you plan work in or around water, take care to minimize the potential risk to aquatic ecosystems and limit water pollution.

Water Licenses & Approvals

Surface and ground water is also protected in the Province of British Columbia through the WSA. Important changes for Water Users can be viewed at www.gov.bc.ca/water

  • New water rights and licensing requirements exist for non-domestic groundwater users (e.g., agricultural, industrial).
  • Stronger protection for aquatic ecosystems
  • New fees & rentals for water use
  • Expanded protection of groundwater including new requirements for well construction and maintenance
  • Increased dam safety and awareness, and compliance and enforcement

The Province has a new requirement to consider environmental flow needs in decisions and expanded prohibitions on dumping debris into streams and aquifers to provide stronger protection for aquatic ecosystems. 

Visit the Province's Water Licences & Approvals for more information.

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