The City is doing its part to conserve water, including using efficient programmable sprinkler systems and alternative ways of watering sports fields and gardens. The following projects have been completed in recent years in order to conserve water at our parks and facilities:
- Replacement of old and inefficient sprinkler heads with modern, efficient heads at every park with irrigation city-wide.
- Installation of drip line irrigation along Harris Road traffic islands and hanging baskets throughout the South Bonson area. This is a much more efficient way to irrigate and is permitted through stages 1-3 of watering restrictions.
- Toro Sentinel Irrigation System that includes advanced flow monitoring, rain sensors, and advanced evapotranspiration calculation models. This allows the City to manage the system day to day and water less on rainy days.
- Replacement of aging infrastructure, maintaining the existing system, and repairing any leaks in the system.
Water Conservation at Pitt Meadows Athletic Park and other sports fields
The City's designated sports fields are maintained in the summer months for rental groups and watered as permitted under the Metro Vancouver Drinking Water Conservation Plan. These playing fields include Pitt Meadows Athletic Park (PMAP), Edith McDermott Elementary, and Harris Road Park, and they may stay green throughout the summer.
The City has implemented the following water conservation measures at PMAP:
- Toro Sentinel Irrigation System that includes advanced flow monitoring, rain sensors, and advanced evapotranspiration calculation models.
- Conducted a detailed water edit to find efficiencies at PMAP, resulting in an estimated 162,500 gallons conserved per season.
- Using soil/water sensor probes that pair with iPhone to chart field moisture levels.
- Using wetting agents to hold water in sand-based fields, improving playing surface and greatly reducing watering needs.
- Conducted a Hydrogeological Study in fall 2023 at PMAP to explore the feasibility of installing a well on-site to reduce reliance on the Metro Van water supply.
Planned Future Projects:
- Test well drilled at Rose Grabenhorst Garden to be used for a possible irrigation system.
- Replacement of irrigation timers at Edith McDermott Elementray sports field with modern Toro Sentinel System.
- Explore rain barrel water capture for irrigation at Rose Grabenhorst Garden and other sites throughout the city.