white dishes in a full dishwasher


Water Saving Tips

Drinking water is a valuable resource. All water that comes through your taps is drinking water, so it is important to conserve where you can.

Sweep driveways, decks and sidewalks with a broom instead of using a hose.

broom sweeping debris off a driveway

A 15-minute clean could use 675 litres of water.

Consider buying a dual-flush toilet.

photo of a dual flush button on a toilet

This gives the option of a water-saving half flush.

Weed your lawn regularly.

a gardener pulling out a weed from a lawn

Weeds can establish roots that compete for nutrients and water.

Run full loads in the dishwasher.

dishwasher full of dishes

A full load uses less water than handwashing.

Reduce your shower by two minutes.

shower head with the water running

This can save 460 litres of water in one month.

Pre-treat stains and heavily soiled clothing right away.

someone sprinkling stain remover on a coffee stain

This way, they won't need to be washed twice.

Save the water from rinsing fruit and vegetables.

vegetables being washed in a bowl where the water can be saved

Use it to water house or garden plants.

Hand wash large pots and bowls.

someone wearing gloves and washing a pot with a sponge

This frees up space for a full load in the dishwasher.

Water Conservation Lawn Signs Initiative

Join our community campaign and pick up a free lawn sign and show your neighbourhood that you’re doing your part to conserve our community’s drinking water.

Lawn Watering Regulations.

green sprinkler watering a lawn

Water lawns and gardens according to regulations.

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