Image with graphics of different housing types

As part of the Government of British Columbia’s Homes for People Action Plan, in November 2023, the Province passed legislation intended to increase the supply, diversity, attainability, and affordability of housing in all B.C. municipalities.

The new legislation requires B.C. municipalities to update or pass new bylaws to allow for more housing density as well as different types of housing, particularly in single-family neighbourhoods and near transit hubs and transit corridors. As a city, we want to ensure that residents are aware of these mandated provincial changes and how they may affect growth, development, and change in Pitt Meadows neighbourhoods. 

Learn more about the new local government housing initiatives on the Government of B.C.’s website.

Video From Mayor MacDonald: What the Legislation Means for our City


Key Changes

  • The City is required to allow new housing in the form of small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) to increase density on single-family and duplex lots, within the urban containment boundary. This includes:
    • Secondary suites 
    • Single family dwellings
    • Detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), like garden suites and laneway homes
    • Triplexes
    • Townhomes
    • House-plexes
  • In most Pitt Meadows neighbourhoods, this new legislation will allow up to three or four small-scale units per single-family or duplex lot, depending on lot size. Properties within 400 metres of a frequent transit stop are allowed up to six units per lot.
  • The Province has identified Transit Oriented Areas (TOA), an approach to land use planning that locates high-density, mixed-use development within walking distance from frequent transit services. This will included TOAs with minimum residential densities and heights near transit hubs, such as West Coast Express stations (e.g. Pitt Meadows Station and Maple Meadows Station). The City of Pitt Meadows is required to designate TOAs by bylaw.
  • As part of the new provincial housing legislation, municipalities are no longer allowed to hold public hearings for residential projects that fit with the City’s Official Community Plan.
  • The Province required the City to update the Zoning Bylaw to allow three to six units in its single family and duplex zones, and designate by bylaw the TOAs by June 30, 2024. Pursuant with the legislation, the City updated the Zoning Bylaw and designated the two Transit Oriented Areas by bylaw.

What This Means for Pitt Meadows

Over the coming years, City residents will likely see a larger variety of housing types built in neighbourhoods that were primarily known to have single-family-homes. Pursuant with the new provincial housing legislation, on June 25, 2024, the City updated the Zoning Bylaw to allow small-scale multi-unit housing on lots currently zoned for single-family and duplex and the following is now allowed:

  • up to three units on residential lots with an area 280m2 (3,014 ft2) or less
  • up to four units on residential lots with an area greater than 280m2 (3,014ft2)
  • up to six units on residential lots with an area greater than 280m2 (3,014 ft2) and within 400m of bus stops with frequent service (15min or less).  According to the legislation, the City cannot require that parking be provided in these areas.

The illustrative map below shows preliminary housing densities that will be allowed in Pitt Meadows—although the legislation does not apply to heritage properties, properties that are larger than 4050 m2 (one acre) in size, or properties that are not connected to water or sewer. Restrictions related to the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport height limitations, Agricultural Land Reserve, environmental areas, and restrictive covenants will still apply throughout the community. Agricultural properties and properties with existing multi-family housing are not pictured on this map. 

Please note: the map below is provided for illustrative/concept purposes only. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2986, 2024 was adopted by City Council on June 25, 2024.  In the event of a discrepancy between the map below and the Zoning Amendment Bylaw map, the Bylaw map prevails. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2986, 2024 can be viewed in the May 14, 2024 Staff Report to Council

Click on the map below to see an expanded version.

What This Means for Your Property

Under the new legislation, your home—or homes in your area—may be rezoned to allow a variety of unit types ranging from secondary rental suites to townhouses, or other forms of small-scale multi-unit housing. View the map above to see if you live in a neighbourhood subject to this Provincial legislation and Zoning Bylaw changes.

What the City is Doing

  • The Province required Local Governments to update their Zoning Bylaws to allow small-scale multi-unit housing and to designate TOAs by bylaw by June 30, 2024. On June 25, 2024, Council of the City of Pitt Meadows adopted amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and designated the lands adjacent to the Pitt Meadows and Maple Meadows West Coast Express Stations as TOAs
  • The City adopted a new amenity cost charges (ACC) bylaw to help fund the costs of growth.
  • The City amended the Development Permit Areas Guidelines in the OCP to foster high-quality and well-designed buildings that incorporate thoughtful landscaping and contribute to a pleasant streetscape in Pitt Meadows.
  • The City is required to update its Housing Needs Report according to new provincial standards and to estimate the total number of housing units required to address the City’s current and anticipated housing need over five- and 20-year timeframes, by January 1, 2025. On November 5, 2024, Pitt Meadows City Council received the Interim Housing Needs Report, in accordance with the Local Government Act.
  • The City must update the Official Community Plan (OCP) by the end of 2025 to ensure it aligns with the new zoning bylaws and policies as well as the projections from the interim Housing Needs Report.
  • The City will now be required to update the Housing Needs Report and the OCP every five years.

More Information

Resources from the Government of B.C.

Resources from the City of Pitt Meadows


Further Questions or Comments?

To learn more or ask questions about the Government of B.C.'s new provincial housing legislation, or the City's bylaws, contact us at

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