All development within the City of Pitt Meadows is subject to various bylaws that have been created to regulate development. Most of the time, projects can be planned to comply with the bylaw requirements. However, there may be circumstances where a property owner feels a specific regulation cannot be complied with on a particular site.

A Development Variance Permit (DVP) is an approval from Council to vary the regulations(s) of the Zoning Bylaw, the Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw, or the Sign Bylaw for non-conforming development approvals. If your project does not conform to a Bylaw, a variance is required. Staff are diligent in consideration of variances, and will consider each application on an individual and site specific basis. Staff will then make a recommendation of support or non-support to Council for consideration.

Take time to review the bylaws and communicate with a planner prior to applying for a variance.

A DVP is most commonly sought for:

  • increase in building heights
  • relaxation of building setbacks
  • relaxation of zoning requirements such as parking
  • variance in sign regulations

A DVP cannot vary use, density, or floodplain regulations as per the Local Government Act. If approved by Council, a Development Variance Permit is registered on title and will expire after two years if the development has not commenced.  

Development Variance Permit Fees & Forms

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