Step 1: Preparation
Development proposals should be well prepared and researched before submitting an application. To research the existing zoning of your property, refer to the zoning map and then the Zoning Bylaw for the zone’s intended use and regulations.
Step 2: Pre-application Meeting
Development Services staff are available to meet with prospective applicants and their consultants to discuss the development proposal, and provide advice on submission requirements and procedures.
Step 3: Application Submission
Your development variance permit application must include the following:
- completed application form, signed by the registered owner(s);
- application fee payment;
- Letter of Authorization signed by the property owner(s)if the applicant is applying on behalf of the owner(s) (staff will only deal with the applicant);
- Certificate(s) of Title produced within five (5) days prior to application submission;
- written description of
- the existing and proposed uses of the property;
- the requested variance(s);
- compliance of the proposal with applicable OCP policies, design guidelines and zoning regulations; and
- the reasons for the request;
- development data summary form provided by the City;
- one (1) full size set of plans drawn to scale, four (4) copies in 11” x 17” and PDF files of the drawings with the following: location of existing and proposed buildings with setbacks (site plan); location and dimensions of all municipal easements, right-of-ways and registered covenants; and floor plans and elevations of proposed buildings showing proposed variance;
- Site Profile regarding possible soil contamination on the property from certain types of industrial and commercial uses and activities;
- additional information such as parking studies, geotechnical reports, and Good Neighbour Agreements may also be required depending on the site and proposal.
Step 4: Application Review
Applications will be circulated internally by the File Manager to appropriate staff for comments.
In some cases, applications are also referred to external agencies for comments. Most commonly, the Provincial Ministry of Transportation if adjacent to Lougheed Highway; the Agricultural Land Commission, School District 42, Metro Vancouver, Katzie First Nation, Fraser Health Authority, and Provincial Ministry of Environment. Once all comments have been received, City staff will provide the applicant(s) with the compiled comments.
Step 5: Council Consideration
The File Manager prepares a staff report which includes the comments from the review, conditions that may need to be met, and staff recommendations. Council may decide to notify the public, request additional information and/or conditions, or reject the permit application.
Step 6: Public Notification
Property owners and occupants within 50m of the subject property will be notified by mail the details of the development variance permit application and when Council will consider the application.
Step 7: Final Approval
If Council authorizes issuance of the permit, the applicant is forwarded copies of the permit to be signed and returned. Once issued by the City, a Notice of Permit will be registered with the Land Titles Office on the title of the property. The Permit will remain on title and will be binding on all subsequent owners of the property.