The North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP) consists of a land use plan and accompanying development policies. The purpose is to cohesively guide future development of the North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA) by identifying desired land used and types of developments.
Engagement & Priorities Committee Meeting – Postponed
The EPC meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 7pm regarding the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP) has been postponed.
NLAP Public Hearing - Postponed
The North Lougheed Area Plan Public Hearing scheduled for November 5, 2020 has been postponed. This will allow time for the City to receive and incorporate additional information as supplementary context into the public hearing process. This information is anticipated to be received in the near future so that this important public hearing can be scheduled.
Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates.
Background on the North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA)
The North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA) is located on the north side of the Lougheed Highway between Meadows Gardens Golf Course and Harris Road. Development of this area has been a topic of discussion with Pitt Meadows City Council since the mid-eighties. This area is currently a mix of agricultural land and commercial use.
The NLSA is important for the City’s development in terms of homes, jobs, services and taxes and accommodating population growth over the next 30 years.
The aim of the NLSA planning process has been to develop a new land use plan and associated policies (i.e., an area plan) for this portion of the City to address the community’s needs and goals and adapt to potential changes in the real estate market.
The resulting area plan will guide creation of a cohesive mixed-used community development (including commercial, residential and light industrial uses) that complements farm and mountain vistas, and incorporates medium to high-density transit-oriented residential areas and green space.
A place to live, work, learn and play!
Creation of the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP)
In 2011 a comprehensive land use plan was prepared for the North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA) that built on decades of previous planning for the southern portion of the area. The 2011 plan identified a combination of mixed employment and retail commercial uses for the entire NLSA to cover the costs of building the proposed North Lougheed Connector (NLC).
A commercial and industrial land study completed in 2019 for the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP) review, however, indicated that the market had changed significantly and that there was no longer a need for retail commercial space, primarily due to the introduction of online retail sales. This meant that the 2011 plan was no longer economically viable, and a revised comprehensive land use concept was required to meet community and regional needs.
In May 2019, City staff initiated a multi-phase technical review and engagement process to develop a new land use concept that built on both the previous NLSA planning and more recent OCP review process.
How can the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP) help our community thrive?
Developing the North Lougheed Area has many benefits to both Pitt Meadows and the farming community including:
- Variety of housing options. There is potential to include mixed-use residential and other housing options.
- Close to transit. There is an opportunity for housing, employment, a potential post-secondary educational campus, and recreational amenities—all within a five minute walking distance to transit which reduces traffic congestion.
- Space for local businesses and jobs. Economic development will be enhanced with more space for viable local businesses and sustainable jobs.
- Increased tax base. Property taxes will be spread among a greater range of land uses and allow for enhanced services and amenities for the community.
- Agricultural benefits including improved safety. Traffic calming along Old Dewdney Trunk Road will make it safer for slower moving farm vehicles and machinery. It will also allow for the construction of the North Lougheed Connector (NLC) which will significantly alleviate traffic congestion on Old Dewdney Trunk Road.
- Reduced congestion and improvements to traffic flow. Construction of the North Lougheed Connector (NLC), tied to other highway improvement projects, would reduce traffic congestion and improve traffic flow. The NLC will also provide a secondary corridor to north east Maple Ridge.
- Improved north/south community connectivity. In addition to the NLC, a proposed pedestrian and cyclist overpass connecting with Harris Road Park will improve community access across Lougheed Highway.
On September 15, 2020 Council granted first and second reading to the Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 2869 for the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP).
On July 7, 2020 staff presented a revised land use plan and accompanying development policies based on recommendations from Council on May 26, 2020. The NLSA land use plan and development policies (i.e. North Lougheed Area Plan) were drafted with input from extensive engagement and outreach efforts.
Next Steps
The next steps for the City are:
- Amend the City’s existing Official Community Plan (OCP) and Regional Context Statement to include the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP) land use designations and development policies (prepared for the NLSA).
- Apply to Metro Vancouver to amend the Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2040, to accommodate the NLAP. This is required to incorporate this area into the City’s regional urban containment boundary and urban centre boundary, and to change the regional land use designations for the area
- Incorporate the NLAP (i.e., land use plan, land use designations, and policies) into the final draft of the new OCP. A final round of public engagement for the new OCP is expected to be completed this fall.
Once the Regional Growth Strategy and Official Community Plan have been amended, the City will work with the community, stakeholders and external agencies to address Agricultural Land Commission exclusion conditions for the planning area.
The Agricultural Land Commission exclusions include the calming and redirection of traffic off Old Dewdney Trunk Road to the Lougheed Highway, which will benefit the farming community. Improvements to Lougheed Highway and connection to the North Lougheed Connector to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow for both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows are also being discussed.
Project Milestones
- September 2020 - Council granted first and second reading to OCP Amendment for NLAP.
- July 2020 - Council endorsed the revised North Lougheed Land Use Plan and development policies that were drafted with input from extensive public and stakeholder engagement.
- May 2020 – North Lougheed Land Use Plan, land use designations and policies, and summary of Phase 2 community engagement presented to Council.
- October 2019 – Amendments to North Lougheed Study Area Scoping Report were presented and approved by Council.
- October 2019 – Four Draft Land Use Concepts were presented to Council.
- Download the North Lougheed Study Area Project Overview.
- Review the Background for Draft Land Use Concepts.
- July 2019 – Staff made a Council Presentation on preliminary findings from July community engagement.
- May 2019 – A scoping report was presented to Council describing the recommended timeline for engaging the public and other stakeholders, updating technical studies and revising the land use plan.
- November 2018 – Council directed staff to re-examine the project and to make recommendations on moving forward with the North Lougheed Study Area.
Public Engagement
Over the years there have been many rounds of community engagement for the future planning for the North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA). This included a public hearing in 2012, before the City applied to the Agricultural Land Commission to exclude the balance of the study area from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Consultation has continued to happen at each phase of the project.
Phase 1: Summer 2019
Feedback was collected from the community and stakeholders both online and at several engagement pop-up events throughout the summer.
Phase 2: November 2019 to February 2020
Using the information and ideas received in Phase 1, four draft land use concepts for the NLSA were developed and shared with the public for input online and at engagement events.
In May 2020, a summary of public and stakeholder engagement was presented to Council along with the North Lougheed Land Use Plan, land use designations and policies.
Public Hearing
A Public Hearing will take place later this year on the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to incorporate the North Lougheed Area Plan (NLAP), formerly referred to as the North Lougheed Study Area (NLSA). Public consultation for the City’s new Official Community Plan (OCP) has been happening concurrently. Learn more: