sunset in over a dike trail

The Official Community Plan (OCP) was adopted by Council on September 27, 2022 after significant engagement and contributions from the community, City staff, and Council since 2018.

Read the Official Community Plan

What is the OCP?

The Official Community Plan: I See Pitt Meadows 2040 is a long-range plan that sets out the community’s vision, goals and objectives for the future of the City of Pitt Meadows. Built upon extensive engagement with residents, businesses, stakeholders and q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation rights-holders, the OCP provides a renewed vision through 2040 and a framework to guide community development for a future that will make us all Pitt Meadows Proud™.

Vision: To create a walkable community that offers a range of housing options, parks, recreation and public spaces, where residents are healthy and engaged, and where local businesses are flourishing.

How the OCP was developed

Goal 1: Reconciliation & Relationship Building

clouds over a river with a mountain backdrop

The City and q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation have a strong government-to-government relationship based on meaningful dialogue, inclusivity, and mutual respect grounded in the principles of reconciliation.

Goal 2: Agriculture

rows of cranberry fields in fall

A community where agriculture is the dominant land use and farmland is protected for food production.

Goal 3: Environment & Natural Areas

View of Mount Baker in the winter from Alouette River

A community where the environment and natural areas are conserved and enhanced so they enrich the quality of life for all residents.

Goal 4: Employment & Economy

man holding crate of blueberries in a field

A community where the economy is vibrant and diverse, and local businesses are flourishing.

Goal 5: Growth, Neighbourhoods & Housing

street of townhouses

A walkable and compact community that offers easy access to nature and amenities, and has a range of housing options to suit all needs and through all stages of life.

Goal 6: Arts, Culture & Heritage

big band musicians playing music in Spirit Square for Summer Serenade

A community where arts, culture and heritage help define Pitt Meadows unique identity where lifelong education helps make the city a great place for all residents.

Goal 7: Community Wellbeing

Child playing with a hula hoop in a park

A community with a strong sense of place and belonging, where residents are healthy and engaged, and feel safe and secure.

Goal 8: Parks & Recreation

Photo Credit: Adam Breckles

A community where parks, recreation and public spaces contribute significantly to community character and quality of life.

Goal 9: Transportation

Golden Ears Bridge with Golden Ears Mountain in the background

A connected community that is easy to get around by all modes of transportation, and commercial transport moves freely in and out of the community.

Goal 10: Local Systems

View of Golden Ears Mountain from Alouette River in summer

A community with an adequate and secure supply of clean, potable water and handles sewage, waste and stormwater in an efficient manner that protects public health.

Goal 11: Climate & Energy

View of snowy mountains in the winter from Alouette River

A community where energy is conserved and used efficiently, and more greenhouse gas emissions are minimized.

Goal 12: Hazard/Emergency Management

Pitt Polder Pump Station

A community where persons, property and landscapes are protected from risk or hazards due to flooding, steep slopes and forest fires.

Q̓IC̓ƏY̓ (Katzie) First Nation

The City of Pitt Meadows is located in the heart of the traditional territory of q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation. Since time immemorial, q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) people have inhabited their territory. This vast, beautiful and resource-rich territory extends south from the headwaters of the Pitt River to encompass Pitt Lake and River, Alouette Lake and River, Rolley Lake, portions of the Fraser River, and the area surrounding Boundary Bay. “Katzie” is the Anglicization of q̓ic̓əy̓, which translates to “people of the moss” in the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language.

Learn more

Engagement by the Numbers:

  • 15 OCP Events & Workshops
  • 250 Event & Workshop Participants
  • 23 Surveys
  • 622 Survey Contributions
  • 15,000+ postcards mailed to businesses and residents city-wide

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