Each property in Pitt Meadows has a zoning classification that regulates density and land use.
To find out your current zoning and/or future land use designation, refer to Pitt Meadows Map Viewer.
Overview of the Rezoning Process
A pre-application meeting with one of our staff can be helpful if you already have a good concept of your desired outcome and design. Having sketches and zoning analysis complete prior to the meeting will ensure you get the best feedback possible. Feel free to contact us at 604-465-2428 to set up a pre-application meeting.
Working collaboratively to benefit the community is our goal. To ensure your application is successful, we are committed to working with you and your team of professionals prior to submitting an application.
To apply please complete a Development Application. Applications can be submitted with payment at City Hall.
Policies, Bylaws and Guidelines
The following Policies, Bylaws and Guidelines are supplemental information when considering zoning and rezoning within the City of Pitt Meadows.