The Pitt Meadows Gun Club (PMGC) is a local shooting sports club established in 1946.
The PMGC has been at its current location since 1976 where it owns and occupies the 20 acre property located at 17428 129th Ave, Pitt Meadows. The PMGC is a non-profit society established to allow recreational and competitive shotgun sports.
Since the spring of 2017, residents have expressed concerns about noise, safety and proximity, and of potential lead contamination in the soil and surrounding areas due to lead shot being left on the ground. Historically, the City has not issued permits for shooting range use. Shooting ranges are regulated under all three levels of government—federal, provincial and municipal. Each level of government regulates a different aspect of shooting ranges.
Federal Government - RCMP Provincial Chief Firearms Officer
The RCMP issues licences for shooting ranges. The approval process addresses public safety issues related to the operation of the range. Range inspection required.
Provincial Government - Ministry of Environment (MoE) & Climate Change Strategy
The MoE regulates site contamination and pollution through the Environmental Management Act and the Contaminated Sites Regulation.
Municipal Government - City of Pitt Meadows
Regulates land use - the use of the property as a shooting range is a land use and is regulated by the Zoning Bylaw. Land uses in existence before the adoption of the current Zoning may have grandfathered rights. The municipality can regulate noise and dischange of firearms through bylaws but not to the extent that it restricts lawful land use.
Background Information
- Staff Report to Council, March 27, 2018
- Staff Report to Council, March 20, 2018
- Report to Council and Proposed Amended Bylaw, December 5, 2017
- Watch the Council Meeting video, December 5, 2017
- Read the Noise Testing Report by BKL Consultant
- View the display boards from the March 5, 2018 Information Session
Information Session - March 5, 2018
The City hosted an Information Session to facilitate conversation and information sharing between the Pitt Meadows Gun Club and members of the community. Staff outlined steps taken by the City and other agencies to date and presented next steps including proposed bylaw changes and their effect on the operation of the Pitt Meadows Gun Club.
For more information, contact
Development Services
Safety Concerns
Pitt Meadows Community Police Office: 604.465.2402
More information regarding the RCMP shooting range licensing process and requirements
Environmental Concerns - site contamination, pollution
BC Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy
General Inquiries: 1-800-663-7867
More information at Ministry of Environment website
Bylaw Infractions
City of Pitt Meadows Bylaw Enforcement Department 604.465.2428
General Inquiries: 604.465.5454