The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (the port), in collaboration with the City of Pitt Meadows (the City) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), is leading the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project. The project will separate road and rail traffic at Harris Road. This will make local commutes faster and safer, improve community connections through more reliable traffic flow and improve emergency response times.

The City is:

  • Working closely with the port and CPKC to ensure the Harris Road underpass meet the needs of the community—including improved public safety, reduced congestion, more reliable commutes, and better emergency response times.
  • Working with project partners to implement feasible noise and vibration mitigation options, long-term effects on traffic and changes to the character of the community, and improve livability for all who live and work in Pitt Meadows.
  • Working with the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society to find a new location for the Hoffmann & Son Machine Shop and the General Store.

What’s New

City Provides Community Update on Grade Separation at Harris Road (July 2024) 

At the Public Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, City staff provided an update to City Council and our community on grade separation at Harris Road. The presentation shared: advocacy efforts over the past year; information about recent discussions with key parties; the City’s understanding that some key parties currently favor an overpass; renderings; overpass considerations; and next steps.

The City informed of the need to engage with key parties in further technical discussions, and plans for future community engagement. At this time, if members of our community have feedback, they are asked to email All feedback received will be reviewed, considered, summarized and presented to the community during future engagement.

City and q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation Share Concerns Regarding Funding Shortfall to Support Grade Separation at Harris Road (February 2024)

At the Public Council Meeting on February 27, 2024, Council presented a joint letter and media release from q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation and the City regarding shared concerns of the funding shortfall to support the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project’s proposed grade separation component at Harris Road. 

City Sends Letters Advocating for Support for the Harris Road Underpass (October 2023)

At the Public Council Meeting on October 24, 2023, Council presented letters that the City sent to various levels of government and local partners. These letters reaffirmed the City's commitment to the Harris Road Underpass project, as well as outlined the City's continued engagement and advocacy efforts to help close the funding gap.

Strong Provincial, Regional, and Local Support for the Harris Road Underpass (June 2023)

At the Public Council Meeting on June 8, Council presented the numerous letters of support the City has received from provincial, regional, and local partners and governments.

Harris Road Project Update (April 2023)

On April 18, Council voted unanimously to re-affirm the City’s full commitment to the Harris Road Underpass Project but declined the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s (the port) request to become a funding partner for the project and provide 25 percent of costs up to a maximum of $49.6 million.

The City remains fully committed to the Harris Road Underpass Project and will continue to advocate for federal funding. Recent support from regional and provincial partners have stimulated meaningful discussions and interest at the federal level. The City is confident that these ongoing discussions will provide opportunities to continue to advocate for federal funding to help close the funding gap.


Pitt Meadows is home to two of the busiest rail crossings in the Lower Mainland. Currently, these two rail crossings are blocked for an average of 3.5 hours and 1.75 hours each day due to trains. With increasing trade volumes, train traffic in Pitt Meadows is forecasted to double over the next 10 years. As a result, blockages at Harris Road could increase to 6.7-7 hours per day.

Project Features and Benefits

The Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project provides many benefits to our community. Eliminating the at-grade rail crossing at Harris Road will:

  • enhance emergency response for police, fire and ambulance services;
  • make commutes faster and safer;
  • reduce vehicle emissions and congestion; and
  • foster community connections and make Pitt Meadows a more livable city.

The project includes:

  • A new four-lane underpass below the CPKC main rail crossing at Harris Road. 
  • A new two-lane overpass on Kennedy Road over the main rail line entrance to CPKC’s Vancouver Intermodal Facility.*
    *Note: Work on the Kennedy Road overpass has been paused with priority being given to the Harris Road underpass. Read the full media release.

The project also includes the relocation of Museum and heritage buildings to create a heritage site.

As part of the project, CPKC is building:

  • A 6,000 feet extension of the existing lead track that accesses the Vancouver Intermodal Facility, east across Harris Road. 
  • An additional 10,000 feet of new siding track on the north side of the existing tracks between Harris Road and Kennedy Road.
  • Neither the port nor the City has jurisdiction over rail operations or infrastructure decisions within the rail corridor.
  • CPKC can build the lead track extension and rail siding track without collaboration with the port or the City as long as they meet applicable federal regulations/laws.

CPKC Logistics Park Expansion Project

CPKC is proposing a new logistics park south of its existing intermodal facility in Pitt Meadows. This is not part of the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project.

CPKC must follow a different and distinct process for its proposed logistics park. CPKC is leading its independent public engagement on its proposed logistics park, outside of our community engagement around the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project.

The City’s Role

The City of Pitt Meadows is collaborating with the port and CPKC to ensure this project meets the needs of our community. The City’s role includes:

  • Working with the port on technical aspects of the Harris Road underpass and related public space options.
  • Working with the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society to find a new location for the Hoffmann & Son Machine Shop and the General Store to align with the City’s longer-term vision.
  • Maintaining the public-serving portions of the Harris Road underpass (not the structure supporting the rail*) when complete.
    *CPKC would own and maintain the structure supporting the rail tracks.

History of the Harris Road Underpass

The Harris Road crossing has been a concern among residents and discussed by City staff and councils since the 1970s. This infographic provides an overall at-a-glace visual timeline of the history and evolution of road and rail discussions for the City of Pitt Meadows, spanning from the 1970s until 2021 including key topics, meetings, and engagement opportunities. More information is available here

Public Engagement and Resources

For addition information, resources, and previous public engagement materials, please visit:

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the project initiated?
2017 - The Greater Vancouver Gateway Council submits the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project for funding to the National Trade Corridors Fund.

What is Council’s position?
City Council unanimously supports continued discussions on the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project with the goal of securing an appropriate design and construction agreement.

 Who is leading the project?
The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (the port) is the lead for the underpass and overpass. CPKC is leading the rail components.

What is the City’s role?
The City of Pitt Meadows is working closely with the port and CPKC to ensure changes to Harris Road meet the needs of our community by:

  • Exploring feasible noise and vibration mitigation options;
  • Managing longer-term changes on traffic and character of the community; and
  • Finding a suitable location for the Hoffmann and Son Machine Shop and the Old General Store Museum buildings.

Who is providing funding? 
$141 million in funding is being provided by Government of Canada, CPKC and the port. This project is part of the Greater Vancouver Gateway 2030 and is funded by the Government of Canada through the National Trade Corridors Fund, the port, and CPKC. The City is not funding capital costs associated with the project.

Who has the authority to determine if the project proceeds? 
The decision to proceed to project construction will be required by the City, the port, and CPKC. CPKC, at their sole discretion, can choose to proceed with the rail components with or without the project or the City’s approval or collaboration (including a third rail across Harris Road), provided the railway line is built within CPKC’s right of way and complies with federal regulations. Before construction of the Harris Road underpass can begin, the City, CPKC and the port must agree to and sign two binding documents: the Project Partnering Agreement (formerly Design Agreement) and the Construction Agreement.

Can CPKC build within their own right of way?
Neither the port nor the City of Pitt Meadows has jurisdiction over rail operations or infrastructure decisions within the rail corridor. Per Canada Transportation Act 95(1) and 98(3), CPKC can build the rail components without approval or collaboration with the port or the City, as long as CPKC meets applicable federal regulations.

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