Harris Road Project Update Spring 2023
On March 28, Council heard a presentation from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (the port authority) that outlined significant affordability challenges related to the Harris Road underpass. The port authority requested that Council commit by mid-April to become an equal funding partner and provide 25 percent of the project costs, up to $49.6 million, to help close the project funding gap.
- Read the full news release
- Watch the Council Meeting video or view the PowerPoint presentation.
- Attend the Engagement & Priorities Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 7pm.
Community Feedback
Residents shared their feedback and preferences for the project's future at haveyoursaypittmeadows.ca/underpass.
Harris Road Public Engagement - Summer 2022
Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback during public engagement for the Harris Road underpass, a component of the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project from June 28 to July 19, 2022.
Read the discussion guide and engagement summary report at portvancouver.com/pittmeadowsengagement.
If you have questions for the port authority project team questions, please email pittmeadowsroadandrail@portvancouver.com
Supporting Documentation:
- June 28, 2022 Noise and Vibration Report BK
- June 23, 2022 Fact Sheet Noise and Vibration
- June 28, 2022 Q and A Noise and Vibration
Video: Learn about proposed rail improvements near Harris Road
During the project’s last two updates in spring and fall 2021, the community shared that a video would be helpful to visualize CP’s rail improvements and better understand what is proposed.
Watch CP’s video to understand:
- How CP rail operations look today in Pitt Meadows
- What the proposed rail improvements mean for the future
Click below to learn more
If you are interested in learning more about CP’s rail improvements:
- Read the track configuration update brochure (spring 2021) and
- Read CP’s rail configuration questions and answers document (spring 2021)
- For questions about CP’s rail operations visit cpr.ca.
- Contact CP Community Connect at Community_Connect@cpr.ca.
Council Endorses Partnering Agreement for the Harris Road Underpass Project
On December 14, 2021, Pitt Meadows City Council endorsed the signing of the Project Partnering Agreement (PPA) with the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (port authority) and Canadian Pacific (CP) to advance work on the Harris Road Underpass Project, a component of the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project. This will allow the project partners to progress the design of the Harris Road underpass with future consultation planned with the community. Read the full media release here.
- Read the released redacted Project Partnering Agreement for the Harris Road Underpass Project
Two Independent Projects and Their Differences
The Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project and the CP Logistics Park are two proposed and independent projects. Watch for information coming to your mailbox and learn about their differences here.
Fall 2021 Engagement - Harris Road Underpass
At the Engagement and Priorities Committee (EPC) meeting on October 19, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority presented a project update and answered questions about the Harris Road underpass including a new road alignment, relocation of heritage relocations, and other project updates.
- Watch the EPC Meeting
For more information and to sign up for the port authority’s project newsletter, visit portvancouver.com/pittmeadowsengagement.
Acoustical Peer Review of Road and Rail Noise and Vibration Study
On November 23, 2021 results of the City’s independent Peer Review of the port authority/BKL’s noise and vibration study in relation to the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project, as well as, the results of additional monitoring along the rail corridor was presented to Council.
- Watch the Council Meeting
- Read the Staff Report
- Peer Review - Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project Noise and Vibration Assessment Summary
Air Quality Study of Train Emissions
On November 23, 2021 - Envirochem Services Inc., shared their initial analysis of the current and projected diesel emissions from Canadian Pacific’s (CP) railway operations in Pitt Meadows. Learn more here.
October 29, 2021 - Two Independent Projects and Their Differences
The Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project and the CP Logistics Park are two proposed and independent projects. Watch for information coming to your mailbox and learn about their differences here.
October 19, 2021 - Fall 2021 Engagement Harris Road Underpass
At the Engagement and Priorities Committee (EPC) meeting October 19, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority presented a project update and answered questions about the Harris Road underpass including a new road alignment, relocation of heritage relocations, and other project updates.
- Watch the EPC Meeting.
For more information and to sign up for the port authority’s project newsletter, visit portvancouver.com/pittmeadowsengagement.
May 18, 2021 - Acoustical Peer Review of Road and Rail Noise and Vibration Study
On May 18, 2021, Council approved a budget of $75,000 to conduct an independent Peer Review of the Road and Rail Improvements Project - Noise and Vibration Study and collect and analyze additional data along the rail corridor in relation to existing operations and associated noise and vibration exceedances.
- Watch the Council Meeting here.
- Read the Staff Report.
May 4, 2021 - Road and Rail Project Spring Update EPC Summary
Staff from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority provided an overview of the Community Spring Update including results from recent community engagement sessions.
April 14, 2021 - Community Update on the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project
The community is invited to attend the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project Spring Community Update on track configuration and the results of the noise and vibration study. Four virtual sessions are scheduled between April 21 and 28 to share information about each of these topics, next steps and answer questions.
Read the full media release here.
April 13, 2021 - Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Spring 2021 Update
Peter Cohen, Manager, Infrastructure Delivery and Joelle Westlund, Manager, Project Communications from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority presented an overview of their Spring update relating to the noise study and track configuration associated with the Road and Rail Improvement project.
March 23, 2021 - Kennedy Road Overpass Paused; Harris Road Underpass Moving Forward
Pitt Meadows City Council, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (port authority), and Canadian Pacific (CP) have agreed to temporarily pause work on the Kennedy Road overpass, part of the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project. Priority is being given to the Harris Road underpass as the critical grade separation given its importance to the community. Read the full media release.
March 9, 2021 - Road & Rail Project Update from Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
On March 9, 2021, Devan Fitch, Director of Infrastructure Delivery, and Joelle Westlund, Manager of Communications, Projects, from VFPA provided an updated on the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project and shared next steps.
Watch video of the Council Meeting here.
December 8, 2020 - Environmental Study of CP Rail Operations
Council directed staff to commission an environmental study of CP Rail’s existing and proposed expansion of operations in Pitt Meadows, including the Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project. An update on the environmental study was provided to Council on April 13, 2021.
- Watch the December 8, 2020 Council Meeting.
- Watch the March 26, 2021 Council Meeting.
- Read the March 26, 2021 Staff Report.
July 28, 2020 - Engagement and Priorities Committee (EPC) Meeting on the Kennedy Rd. Overpass
Peter Cohen, Manager of Infrastructure Delivery and invited colleagues from Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, presented an update to Council and the public on the Kennedy Road overpass project at the July 28, 2020 Engagement and Priorities Committee (EPC) Meeting.
The meeting was livestreamed and the public was invited to participate virtually by submitting questions and calling in.
Watch video of the meeting here.
July 7, 2020 - Port Authority Council Presentation Project & Engagement Update
On July 7, 2020, Peter Cohen, Manager of Infrastructure Delivery and invited colleagues from VFPA provided an update on the Kennedy Road overpass and the next engagement session.
May 5, 2020 - Phase One Engagement Summary
On May 5, 2020 the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority presented to Council, a summary of community feedback received on the rail improvement projects in Pitt Meadows, and next steps.
- Download the Phase One Engagement Summary Report.
- Watch the archived Council meeting online.
October 21, 2019 - Public Engagement for Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Now Underway
The first phase of public engagement will take place from October 21 to November 22, 2019, and will provide opportunities to talk to project staff in person at the open house as well as a month-long period to provide input online. Read the full media release here.
August 6, 2019 - Underpass and Overpass Memorandum of Understanding Endorsed by Council
Mayor and Council have endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and Canadian Pacific for an underpass at Harris Road and an overpass at Kennedy Road.
“Council will continue to advocate through the design and construction phases of the project to ensure that we get an underpass and overpass that our community will be proud of,” says Mayor Bill Dingwall. “Staff and Council are working closely with the port authority and CP to address noise from rail operations that remains a priority for Council as well the appropriate relocation of our heritage buildings and assurances for business continuity during construction of the Harris Road and Kennedy Road transportation improvements.”
Read the full news release here.
July 9, 2019 - Harris Road Underpass & Kennedy Road Overpass Project Update
At the Engagement and Priorities Committee Meeting on July 9, 2019, Samantha Maki, Director of Engineering and Operations, provided a high-level update on the Harris Road Underpass and Kennedy Road Overpass projects, including funding, timelines, scope of work, the City's responsibilities, engagement and next steps.
To view a video of the presentation, click here.
May 2019 - Project to Separate Roadways from Railways Closer to Becoming Reality
On May 31, 2019, it was annouced that two highly anticipated rail crossing projects in Pitt Meadows are one step closer to construction, as the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority signed a formal agreement with the Government of Canada to receive $48.8 million for the project and announces its own commitment to fund $39.1 million toward the project as a partner agency.
These crossings will separate road traffic from rail traffic and include a new four-lane underpass at Harris Road and a two-lane overpass at Kennedy Road.
“This announcement represents the culmination of a great deal of collaborative work by each of the organizations over the past seven months,” said Mayor Bill Dingwall. “Rail grade separations will mean that all emergency services will be able to get to incidents faster and public safety will be greatly improved. Commutes will be become more reliable and ultimately, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians will find it much easier to move around our community.”
Council is committed to addressing concerns about noise mitigation as well as minimizing construction impacts to Harris Road businesses. Council will continue to advocate for the best interests of the community as the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) is finalized. Residents will have an opportunity to learn more and to ask questions at an upcoming Engagement and Priorities Committee (EPC) meeting, prior to adoption of the MOU.
“Council is committed to the preservation of heritage in Pitt Meadows,” says Mayor Bill Dingwall. “The City has already engaged the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society in discussions about desirable relocation sites for heritage buildings.”
The project, including new rail siding and a new rail bridge over Katzie Slough, is anticipated to cost $141.1 million. 100 percent of the costs for the design and construction will be covered by other partners. As a next step, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is working closely with Canadian Pacific to finalize agreements for final funding and project implementation.
January 2019 - Council Hosts Important Transportation Infrastructure Dialogue
On December 18, 2018, Mayor Dingwall and Council hosted a dialogue with MP Dan Ruimy, MLA Lisa Beare and Katzie First Nation as well as representatives from Canadian Pacific, Greater Vancouver Gateway 2030, TransLink, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) to further discuss federal and provincial transportation projects in the community.
“This meeting was a positive step toward improving transportation infrastructure in Pitt Meadows,” said Pitt Meadows Mayor Bill Dingwall. “Council is committed to engaging with the community and moving forward in a transparent way that is reflective of advocacy for our community.”
Over the coming months, the City of Pitt Meadows will engage in dialogue focused on the City’s Council's Principles and Interests with the port authority, Canadian Pacific Rail and others.
Council remains committed to engaging with the community and moving forward in a transparent way that is reflective of advocacy for Pitt Meadows. Mayor and Council are working toward resolving outstanding issues such as noise and vibration from rail operations, the preservation of heritage buildings and achieving no financial impact to Pitt Meadows as we move toward contemplating a memorandum of understanding.
Proposed Project Concepts
November 2018 - Engagement Summary Report: The Future of Transportation in Pitt Meadows to Council
On November 13, 2018, Chris Chok from Kirk and Co. provided the Engagement Summary Report – The Future of Transportation in Pitt Meadows to Council. A total of 162 people attended the open house and 206 submitted online or printed feedback forms. Overall there was strong support for Harris Road underpass and Kennedy Road overpass. Issues raised during the small group session included the need to engage with the Pitt Meadows Heritage Society about relocating the Pitt Meadows Museum and General Store, concerns about noise and vibration from rail operations, enhancements and beautification of the proposed Harris Road underpass, and safety on Lougheed Highway.
Here are the summary report and supplemental information from those engagement sessions.
- Appendix 1: Notification materials
- Appendix 2: Discussion guide and feedback form
- Appendix 3: Display boards
- Appendix 4: Small group meeting summary
June to July 2018 - City of Pitt Meadows Transportation Infrastructure Engagement Process
From June 18 to July 31, 2018, the City of Pitt Meadows hosted an engagement process related to transportation infrastructure. The City brought together all of the organizations with a role in various aspects of transportation planning and investment in the community. On June 25, residents were invited to attend an open house / small group engagement where they could learn more and provide feedback about a variety of proposed railway infrastructure, transit and highway and road improvements in Pitt Meadows.
May 2018 - Federal Funding for Pitt Meadows Railway Infrastructure Projects
On May 18, 2018, $55.8 million in federal investment was announced toward four new rail infrastructure project bundles within Metro Vancouver. The City of Pitt Meadows is host to one project bundle, including, an addition of nearly 5km of track paralleling the existing rail track throughout Pitt Meadows, a four lane underpass at Harris Road, and construction of a two lane overpass at Kennedy Road which is estimated to cost $141 million.
March 2018 - City’s Principles and Interests Related to Transportation Improvements
March 28, 2018, the City released a detailed set of Principles and Interests which serve to guide any further partnerships related to transportation improvements in Pitt Meadows. One of the key principles is that the City of Pitt Meadows does not have the financial capacity to fund regional initiatives.
January 2018 - Gateway Transportation Collaboration Forum (GTCF) Presentation on Proposed Projects
On January 9, 2018, the Gateway Transportation Collaboration Forum (GTCF) presented to Council the status of proposed infrastructure projects affecting the Pitt Meadows community. These projects included a Harris Road underpass, Kennedy Road overpass and an interchange at Allen Way. At the time, GTCF had submitted a proposal for the Harris Road underpass and the Kennedy Road overpass projects to the federal government for funding under the National Trade Corridors Fund. The projects in Pitt Meadows are part of the nearly 40 projects proposed as part of the Greater Vancouver Gateway 2030, intended to provide national, provincial, regional and local benefits.
View the Council meeting presentation by GTCF, including information and renderings of the proposed projects, and the Council discussion afterward.