2025 Pitt Meadows Day Sponsorship Opportunities

Reach an Audience of 1000’s as a Community Event Sponsor! Pitt Meadows Day is one of our most popular community events with an audience of 10-15,000 participants who can be exposed to your brand. 

Partnering with the community as a sponsor will enable your business to:
• Reach the demographic of engaged community members, notably families;
• Reach audiences throughout the duration of the entire day, as the event activities run throughout and are not limited to a small time window;      
• Associate with one of Pitt Meadows’ Signature, longest-running community celebrations.

Pitt Meadows Day’s success relies on continued community support and generous contributions from local businesses and organizations. We look forward to partnering with you in the best fit for your business.
2025 will mark the 84 years of this free family event, and is a great opportunity for local organizations to become involved.  Donations are eligible for tax receipt upon request, please email pmdsponsors@gmail.com.

Community Sponsorship  Sponsorship Application

*2025 Event Details to Come


Stay tuned for application forms for 2025 Artisans, Exhibitors, Parade entries and Youth Ambassadors.


Interested in Volunteering?

Pitt Meadows Day is the city's largest event - and volunteers are a huge factor in its success! If you're interested in volunteering please fill out your volunteer profile here and let us know your availability. If you have questions please email pmdvolunteers@gmail.com.




Pitt Meadows Day - June 1, 2024 - New Location & Parade Route

It was wonderful to see everyone on June 1 for Pitt Meadows Day - so many familiar and happy faces. A special thank you to our community, partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers. This fun-filled celebration is a beloved tradition and included all our favourite activities including a pancake breakfast, parade, artisan and exhibitor market, live entertainment, food trucks, children’s activities, a family-friendly beverage garden and BBQ. Plus, new this year - the free family ice skating and the drone show. 
What an amazing day, we are looking forward to seeing you next year!

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We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

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