YPK Terminal

What's New

YPK Awarded BCAAP Grant for the Rehabilitation and Upgrade of Runway and Taxiways

A request for grant funding from the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport to the province for financial contribution under the British Columbia Air Access Program (BCAAP) to assist with the rehabilitation and upgrade costs of main runway 08R-26L and adjacent taxiways, has been awarded by the province to the airport for a sum of 1.5 million dollars. Read the full news release here.

YPK Awarded 2022 BCAC William Templeton Trophy

The British Columbia Aviation Council (BCAC) presented Pitt Meadows Regional Airport (YPK) with the 2022 William Templeton Trophy at their annual Silver Wings Industry & Scholarship Awards on October 20th. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding initiative and achievement in the successful development of a public airport, heliport, or floatplane landing facility by an individual, association, municipal government, or company. Read the full news release here.

Seaplane Service Connecting Pitt Meadows and Victoria Resumes October 11

Harbour Air is thrilled to announce the return of seaplane service between Pitt Meadows and Victoria Harbour. Beginning on October 11, 2022, this scheduled service will conduct one round-trip flight daily Monday to Friday, departing Pitt Meadows in the morning and Victoria in the late afternoon. Read the full news release here.


The Pitt Meadows Regional Airport (YPK), located north of the Fraser River between the Pitt River and Golden Ears bridges, is centrally located to serve surrounding communities in the Metro Vancouver region. 

First opening in 1963, the airport has long been a part of Pitt Meadows’ rich history and heritage and an important asset to the community. YPK provides significant benefits to the City including generating tax revenue, creating jobs, attracting businesses, boosting tourism and has also been a popular location for many films and televisions series. With many exciting new developments planned, YPK is well positioned to serve as a legacy for future generations.

Aerial view of YPK 2022

About the Airport

The airport consists of one staffed control tower, a terminal building, a restaurant, three paved runways and a water runway. In addition to providing transportation, the airport is also home to many aviation businesses that offer everything from flight training, aircraft storage, parts and maintenance, tours and sightseeing, recreational flying, search and rescue, and more.  

The airport continues to support many community programs, initiatives and events including emergency response, K-12 education, cadet training, and hostsPitt Meadows Airport Day.

Airport Governance

The Pitt Meadows Regional Airport (YPK) is owned and operated by the Pitt Meadows Airport Society, a not-for-profit organization, which reinvests all earnings back into YPK in order to improve the airport for the community. To learn more, visit: flyypk.ca/about#governance.

New Developments

YPK has several exciting new developments and airport enhancement projects planned. For updates and to find out more, see: flyypk.ca/development-projects.

Pitt Meadows Regional Airport (YKP), featured on page 15 of the June 2021 issue of 'Air Pilot,' highlights its many development projects including: the new terminal building, NavCanada Control Tower, hangar, seaplane terminal and restaurant, and a new Aviation College training facility. Read the full article here: flyypk.ca/blog/ypk-in-air-pilot.

Airport Noise Management Procedures Update - July 14, 2020
Guy Miller, Airport Manager for Pitt Meadows Regional Airport presented to Council an overview of flight traffic, regional airspace and new adapted noise management procedures.  Watch video of the meeting here. To view the powerpoint presentation click here

Airport Awarded $1 Million for Rehabilitation and Upgrade of Main Apron 1 - May 31, 2019
Province of British Columbia has awarded the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport with $1 million through the BC Air Access Program (BCAAP) to assist with the cost to add overhead night lighting and to upgrade the Main Apron 1. Read the full  media release here.

Photo of aircraft at YPK

Safety or Noise Concerns

For any safety or noise concerns please call 604.465.8977 ext. 009 and leave a message with your name and number or complete an online submission form here.

Noise concerns for areas outside the airports 5-mile (9.3 km) radius/jurisdiction should be directed to Transport Canada at 604.666.4916.

More Information and Helpful Links

YPK website: flyypk.ca 
FAQs: flyypk.ca/faq
The Future of Pitt Meadows Airport, Avation News Journal (March-April 2019)


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