The City of Pitt Meadows established a program for accepting donations of benches on the Municipal Dike system in 2004. This program has proven to be of mutual benefit to the donor and the community. The City’s dikes have since reached capacity for placement of additional benches. The City will now accept requests for donated amenities on city public lands. This policy will address provisions and arrangements for these items moving forward.
Download Park Amenity Donation Flyer
Program Information:
The City of Pitt Meadows offers a variety of opportunities for citizens to participate in the enhancement of community spaces and programs through the donation of park amenities.
Contributions to the donation program enhance the beauty and enjoyment of the City’s parks and open spaces. Any interested citizen, community group, business or visitor can donate a park amenity. Celebrate friends, family and important events with an inscribed plaque. Plaques will have a limited number of letters that can be accommodated and staff will work with donors on wording that is appropriate to a recreational setting, with a limit of one plaque per amenity. The bronze plaque for Park Bench is 10.5” w x 3” h and has up to 4 lines of text & 28 characters/spaces maximum per line.
Do you have a favorite walking path or park in the city, please contact us to propose a location. Park Amenity Donations will be accepted on a case by case basis. Each proposed location will be reviewed by Parks staff to ensure suitability for operational considerations and long term plans for the area.
In future maps of predetermined locations will be available for review on the City’s website. Please note that the style or model of the amenity will be determined by the City and may change dependent on availability, suitability and vandal resistance.
View Shoreline Park/Waterfront Commons site map
View Mitchell Park Ammenity Locations map
The benches in this program are intended as temporary places of remembrance and celebration, and are in no way a permanent memorial.
An amenity donation is accepted on the basis that it will be maintained by the City for a ten year term. At the end term, the donor will be offered the opportunity to renew the term.
For more information contact:
City of Pitt Meadows | Parks and Operations