Fraser Way Roundabout Phase 1 (Sept. 2020 - April 2020)
A public engagement session was held on Sept. 23, 2019 – concerns were noted regarding the condition of the park and park amenities. From this session, the engagement feedback was integrated into the Parks workplan to investigate safety improvements, and sustainability of park amenities. In April 2020, a summary was provided by ISL to Pitt Meadows Council who approved Option 4 as part of their capital budget approval.
Safety improvements, notably sightlines were created by removing trees that blocked traffic visibility of pedestrians. Designated crosswalks were installed to reduce pedestrians emerging from all points of the roundabout. Additional sightline improvements will be made in Phase 2.
Existing plants were assessed to see which can be relocated to other parks for the second phase of work, and which ones are currently not suitable for relocation due to plant health. Plans began for new greenery that could be added to enhance the vision for the roundabout, while maintaining the safe sightlines.