Budget 2025 deliberations were successfully concluded on Monday, December 9, 2024 after Council reviewed and deliberated on department operating and capital budgets and decision packages. A media release on Tuesday, December 10 announced that Council endorsed the City’s 2025 budget of $59.7 million, which includes a property tax and utility fees increase of $34 per month or $411 per year. On Thursday, December 12, the City put out a statement sharing why the City prefers to inform on what residents will pay monthly and/or annually (the actual dollar amount that will be paid), as opposed to percentage increases. This approach offers a clearer, more comparable financial measure to the taxpayer. Read the City's full statement.
The $411 increase is broken down as follows:
Property Taxes | Amount ($) |
Asset Management Savings | $63 |
Contracted Services - RCMP, FVRL | 57 |
Municipal Costs | 64 |
Council Approved Initiatives | 30 |
Total Property Taxes | $214 |
Utility Fees | Amount ($) |
Asset Management Savings | $26 |
Municipal Costs | 53 |
Subtotal - City Costs | $79 |
Add Metro Vancouver Sewer & Water | 118 |
Total Utilities | $197 |
Note: Utility fees are included in Pitt Meadows residents’ property taxes received annually in June. Many municipalities in the region collect utility fees at different times of the year from their property tax collections. The majority of costs included within utility fees are uncontrolled by the City, such as Metro Vancouver’s sewer and water costs.
Business Plan Presentations
Each fall, the City plans how tax dollars and other funding will be invested in the services and infrastructure our residents depend on and enjoy. Department business plans are developed with careful consideration of City finances, staff expertise, Council direction, and resident feedback, and are then presented to City Council and the public. These plans provide recommendations for the City's key initiatives, budgets and the Five-Year Financial Plan. Residents are encouraged to attend the public meetings to hear what is being considered and provide their comments.
The 2025 business plan presentations occurred on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26, 2024. View them online: pittmeadows.ca/councilmeetings.
Budget Deliberations
After incorporating revisions based on Council and public feedback from the business planning presentations, Council deliberated on and approved the the proposed budget on Monday, December 9. The approved budget determined the annual property tax increase as noted above. View the budget deliberations online: pittmeadows.ca/councilmeetings.